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We at Delta Community Solutions LLC., have the responsibility to meet the mission of our clients using various tools and skills to achieve the best results. Together, Delta Community Solutions will create a path in "Moving Communities to a Healthier Solution." We believe all people have a right to live in a healthy environment.  Though our social and public health challenges can be addressed through our leadership and expertise we will ensure communities have an opportunity to live a healthier lifestyle.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Provide quality, high-level, community engagement, evaluation and assessment to improve the quality of life for all people.


Our Vision

To improve the health outcomes in rural underserved communities in Mississippi.


Jackie S. Hawkins

Our CEO and Founder, Jackie Hawkins comes with a wealth of expertise to administer and meet your project’s goals.


Jackie brings her passion for all communities by demonstrating her expertise in utilizing evidence-based strategies to create a systems approach which increases sustainability and addresses the social determinants of health. Jackie has a unique background in working with communities and faith-based institutions for more than two decades. 

Prior to the establishment of Delta Community Solutions, Jackie served as the Community Project Manager for the Mississippi Delta Health Collaborative (MDHC)/Mississippi State Department of Health/ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Hypertension Reduction Initiative for the 18 County Mississippi Delta Region. Through this work, Jackie led the MDHC/MSDH to receiving 3 national recognitions from ASTHO (Association of State and Territorial Health Officials) and the National Surgeon General report and through the development and implementation BROTHERS (Barbers Reaching Out to Help Educate on Routine Screening) which is a hypertension awareness initiative by training barbers as health advocates was recognized in Time Magazine and featured story on Sirius radio. During Jackie’s tenure with the MDHC/ MSDH a toolkit was developed to for local elected officials for the establishment of a health councils to create policy changes at the local level. Jackie holds a Masters in Rural Public Policy and Planning.



  • Utilizing Evidence-Based Public Health Strategies

  • Coordinating, Facilitating Community Programs and Projects

  • Community Health Workers Training

Workshops &
Focus Groups 

  • Program Management & Development

  • Diabetes Primary Prevention Lifestyle Coach

  • Community-Based Participatory 

Training & Community Engagement

  • Cultural Competence Master Trainer

  • Social Determinants of Health

  • Community Health Needs Assessment

  • Early Intervention Service Coordination

  • Advocacy

  • Faith-Based Interventions

  • Grant Writing and Grant Management

  • Public Health Systems Infrastructure and Improvement

  • Coalition Development and Mobilization 

  • Public Health Policy/Procedure Development

  • Presentation Development and Delivery

  • Data Collection and Participant Recruitment

  • Presentation development and Delivery

  • Meeting and Event Planning/Coordination

  • Health Education and Promotion

  • Computer Skills: Microsoft Office Suite

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